Respect the Ride - Arrive Alive DE
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Safer Travel Starts with Respect.

Motorcyclists and drivers have the same rights to the road, and the same desire to Arrive Alive!

Respect the Ride


Riders are much more vulnerable to crashes and many drivers are not looking out for motorcycles.

See how an avid rider is helping prevent motorcycle crashes.

Andrea Jonaitis, RiderCoach, DMV Motorcycle Training Courses


With their small size and slim profile, motorcyclists are hard to see – and extremely vulnerable on Delaware roads. Check out these videos to learn more about sharing the road safely.

Tips for Motorcyclists

  • Make yourself as visible as possible.

    Wear clothes with fluorescent bands and always have your headlights on.

  • Learn how to brake effectively.

    Use both brakes and keep your arms outstretched.

  • Look out for hazards.

    Drain covers, leaves and gravel can cause a fall.

  • Respect the rules of the road.

    Don’t ride on the hard shoulders, or in construction zones or shaded zones.

  • Watch out for others.

    You’re smaller than a car and are often hard to see.

  • Drive sober.

    Control of a motorbike requires a lot of physical and mental effort.

Tips for Drivers

  • Keep a safe distance.

    Allow more following distance when behind a motorcycle.

  • Check your blind spots.

    Then check again, especially when changing lanes.

  • Look before you turn.

    Too many fatal crashes happen when a car tries to turn left while the motorcycle stays straight.

  • Give them the whole lane.

    The same as you would any other car and driver.

  • Just be nice.

    Cut other drivers and riders a little slack.

  • Remember, your car can kill.

    More than half of all fatal motorcycle crashes involve another vehicle.

Gear Up. Dress for the Crash. Not the Ride.

Drag the middle white line right to see a well-protected rider and left to see one that needs to gear up!

Improper rider gear
Proper rider gear

How to get your motorcycle noticed

  • Wear colorful protective gear.

    Black looks tough, but it’s harder to see.

  • Tap your brakes at stoplights or stop signs.

    You’ll catch the eye of drivers coming up behind you with the pulsing red flash.

  • Add more lights, front and back.

    This creates a brighter footprint for you and your bike.

  • Use your horn when necessary.

    It’s the best way to quickly get attention.

How NOT to get your motorcycle noticed

  • Avoid loud pipes.

    The standard rationale, “They’ll hear me coming,” just doesn’t stand up.

  • Consider where the sound goes.

    Your pipes are pointed backward, annoying the drivers behind you, instead of alerting the drivers you’re approaching.

  • See it from the driver’s perspective.

    Loud pipes are obnoxious and painful to listen to, and not the best way to make your presence known. That’s what lights and horns are for.

Begin each ride with a pre-ride check. Just remember TCLOCS.

  • Tires

    Check air pressure, wheels, brakes and spokes.

  • Controls

    Check levers, hoses, cables and throttle.

  • Lights and Electrical Switches

    Make sure all are working properly.

  • Oil and Fluids

    Check oil, coolant and hydraulics. Look for leaks.

  • Chassis

    Check drive train, chain and suspension. If you add a passenger, adjust accordingly.

  • Side Stand (Kickstand)

    Make sure spring and stand operate reliably.


Sharpen your skills By taking a safety course

The Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offers motorcycle training courses for riders of all levels:

  • Novice
  • Experienced
  • Advanced

Check out the available classes, including locations and registration information, and choose the one that’s right for you. Even the most experienced riders will learn something new!

Explore DMV Courses
Riders training
Riders training

Test your biker brain

Whether you’re an experienced rider or a novice, you could learn something here that could save your ride — and maybe even your life. The quiz takes just a couple of minutes. Ready? Go!

  • QUESTION 1 / 20

    If your bike suddenly starts to wobble or shake, get on the brakes.

    Your choice is

    Sudden braking could exacerbate the wobble. It’s best to hold the handlebars firmly, throttle down, then safely pull to the side of the road to determine what caused the problem.

  • QUESTION 2 / 20

    Motorcycle tires have less grip when the weather gets colder.

    Your choice is

    Less friction (heat) is generated between cold road surfaces and a cold tire, actually reducing traction.

  • QUESTION 3 / 20

    Bad weather puts drivers and motorcyclists at equal risk.

    Your choice is

    Motorcyclists are more exposed to wind, rain and the elements, lowering body temperatures and visibility. Slippery conditions also make two tires more likely to slide than four tires.

  • QUESTION 4 / 20

    Goggles offer you the same protection as a face shield.

    Your choice is

    A shield protects your entire face, not just your eyes.

  • QUESTION 5 / 20

    Even one drink can affect your riding ability, decision-making and reaction time.

    Your choice is

    A single beer, shot, glass of wine or mixed drink contains sufficient alcohol to put your ride at risk.

  • QUESTION 6 / 20

    A steady high beam draws motorists’ attention to you just as well as a flashing or pulsing headlamp.

    Your choice is

    A pulsing headlamp draws more attention. It is unusual-looking to motorists.

  • QUESTION 7 / 20

    A passenger should just hold on while you do all the leaning and body positioning.

    Your choice is

    Your passenger should lean and move with you to ensure smooth turns and transitions.

  • QUESTION 8 / 20

    Painted road surfaces offer the same traction as asphalt, whether wet or dry.

    Your choice is

    In wet weather, painted surfaces are more slippery, especially at lean angles.

  • QUESTION 9 / 20

    A motorcycle is no more likely to be in a driver’s blind spot than a car is.

    Your choice is

    You’re smaller than a car and harder to see, especially among other vehicles traveling in the same direction.

  • QUESTION 10 / 20

    In a panic stop, your front wheel is more likely to lock up than your back wheel.

    Your choice is

    The front brake provides up to 70% of the motorcycle's stopping power and carries more of the bike's mass. The back wheel is more likely to lock up. It's best to use both brakes together.

  • QUESTION 11 / 20

    Braking during a turn is just as effective as braking before a turn.

    Your choice is

    Brake before entering the turn, then carry safe constant speed or slightly accelerate through the turn.

  • QUESTION 12 / 20

    More motorcycle crashes occur in turns than at intersections.

    Your choice is

    Though overshooting a turn can be fatal, more crashes occur at intersections when an oncoming car turns into the path of a motorcycle.

  • QUESTION 13 / 20

    Leathers or protective gear need only be worn on long-distance or higher-speed rides.

    Your choice is

    Protective gear should be worn every time out. An alarming number of crashes occur close to home and at deceivingly low speeds.

  • QUESTION 14 / 20

    If a dog or deer comes at you, swerving around it is better than slowing down and then accelerating.

    Your choice is

    Slow down first to determine the animal’s intended path, then accelerate safely away from it.

  • QUESTION 15 / 20

    In a group ride, newbies are best protected by riding in the middle of the group.

    Your choice is

    They are safest when positioned behind the leader, who sets their pace—and sets a good example to follow.

  • QUESTION 16 / 20

    You are safe once you make eye contact with the driver of a car.

    Your choice is

    Just because they see you, doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Motorcycles are smaller than cars and tend to blend in with their surroundings.

  • QUESTION 17 / 20

    When riding in the rain, you should ride in the tracks of cars instead of near the shoulder.

    Your choice is

    Cars ahead of you temporarily displace surface water with their tires, leaving a less-wet contact area for your tires.

  • QUESTION 18 / 20

    A flat rear tire is just as dangerous as a front flat.

    Your choice is

    Steering is more adversely affected by a front flat tire. In the event of sudden deflation, hold the handlebars firmly, throttle down (avoiding braking if possible) and pull to the side of the road.

  • QUESTION 19 / 20

    When swerving, it’s OK to brake hard at the same time.

    Your choice is

    Braking an unbalanced motorcycle mid-swerve could cause a crash. Either brake then swerve, or swerve then brake.

  • QUESTION 20 / 20

    Half-coverage helmets provide the same protection as open-face or full-face helmets.

    Your choice is

    A rider wearing a half-coverage helmet is twice as likely to suffer traumatic brain injuries than riders wearing open-face or full-face helmets.

Popular Scenic Rides You Can Take

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Sussex County

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New Castle County

Quick Cruise
Kent County

Natural Wonders
Sussex County

Peaceful Countryside
New Castle County

Rolling Hills
New Castle County

Rider testimonials

“People who ride motorcycles know why dogs like to stick their heads out the window,” says Joe Haberman. See what else riders have to say about the fun, freedom and safety requirements of riding motorcycles.
