Drugs and driving don’t mix.
Like alcohol, drugs can significantly impact your abilities behind the wheel. Get to know the facts and we'll all be safer on the road.

Be Drug Aware.
Drugs alter your mental and physical states, and often impair your driving. Be aware of the effects of the drugs you take because impairment can happen to anyone – and quicker than you think.
Click on the tiles to learn how different substances can cause impairment.
While medical marijuana is legal in Delaware, recreational marijuana does not become legal until retail dispensaries have been established, likely in spring 2025.
– State of Delaware Office of the Marijuana Commissioner
Ate a gummy, didn’t feel it. Ate another.

Cannabis edibles, like gummies and brownies, can take up to a couple of hours to affect you. So don’t expect to have immediate altered physical and mental states – and don’t drive.
Took my prescribed pain meds.

Be careful with your medications and driving. Even if your impairment is the result of a legally prescribed drug, you could still get a DUI. Read and follow the label warnings.
Took a pill at a party.

Using an unknown drug is especially dangerous now that fentanyl is being mixed into so many illicit drugs – with a potency 50 times stronger than heroin. Never take a mystery drug. And don’t drive.
Took some cough medicine.

Even over-the-counter drugs, such as cold and allergy medicines, can cause drowsiness and blurred vision. Remember, when the label says “don’t operate heavy machinery,” that means your car!
Mixed a couple of different drugs.

Using two or more drugs at the same time can amplify the impairing effects of each drug and significantly increase the risk of a crash. Don’t mix drugs and drive.
Smoked marijuana for the first time in years.

Marijuana is much stronger today, with average potencies of 20% to 30% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) compared to 4% in the 1980s. Always be aware of what you are smoking and don’t drive high.
Tried some new weed.

There are many strains of marijuana, each having slightly different effects on the body, and impacting people in different ways. Be drug aware and make sure you plan a sober ride home.
Vaped on the weekend.

Vaping cannabis has a more potent effect than smoking it. That’s because you’re consuming concentrated cannabis, which enters your bloodstream faster, makes you higher and further degrades your cognitive and motor skills.
Took my medical cannabis.

Even though it may come as a capsule, a liquid or some other form, medical cannabis can have the same or more impairing effects on your driving as recreational cannabis – and lead to a DUI. Plan a sober ride.

See how much you know about the ways drugs can impair driving.
1 of 10

More than half of all serious crashes involve a drug-impaired driver.
The correct answer is 56%. More than half of all serious crashes involve a drug-impaired driver.
- NHTSA, based on studied trauma centers Oct-Dec 2020 https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drug-impaired-driving
An estimated 48 million people used marijuana in the past year, and many have driven under its influence.
The correct answer is Marijuana. An estimated 48 million people used marijuana in the past year, and many have driven under its influence.
- CDC Marijuana Use and Driving, Oct 2021 https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/factsheets/pdf/MarijuanaFactSheets-Driving-508compliant.pdf
Marijuana negatively affects areas of the brain that control your movement, balance, memory and judgment.
The correct answer is No. Marijuana negatively affects areas of the brain that control your movement, balance, memory and judgment.
- CDC Marijuana Use and Driving, Oct 2021 https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/factsheets/pdf/MarijuanaFactSheets-Driving-508compliant.pdf
Marijuana’s impact on cognitive function can impair driving skills in all of these ways.
The correct answer is All of the above. Marijuana’s impact on cognitive function can impair driving skills in all of these ways.
- NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drugged Driving DrugFacts, 2019 https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/drugged-driving
Age, gender, weight, general health and drug tolerance also affect the impact of a drug.
The correct answer is All of the above. Age, gender, weight, general health and drug tolerance also affect the impact of a drug.
- Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana and Illicit Drugs Among Persons Aged ≥16 Years - United States, 2018, December 20, 2019 / 68(50);1153–1157 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/wr/mm6850a1.htm
Be aware that opioids include legally prescribed pain killers, such as oxycodone, codeine and morphine.
The correct answer is 100%. Be aware that opioids include legally prescribed pain killers, such as oxycodone, codeine and morphine.
- NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drugged Driving DrugFacts, 2019 https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/drugged-driving
Whether your impairment is the result of a legal or illegal drug, you can still be arrested for DUI, so always read prescription labels.
The correct answer is Yes. Whether your impairment is the result of a legal or illegal drug, you can still be arrested for DUI, so always read prescription labels.
The impact of mixing drugs, even with alcohol, can be dangerously unpredictable. Don’t drive drugged.
The correct answer is It’s hard to say. The impact of mixing drugs, even with alcohol, can be dangerously unpredictable. Don’t drive drugged.
And within this group, men are more likely than women to drive while impaired.
The correct answer is Age 21 to 25. And within this group, men are more likely than women to drive while impaired.
- NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drugged Driving DrugFacts, 2019 https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/drugged-driving
Yes. Just like bulldozers and backhoes, cars are considered heavy machinery.
The correct answer is Yes. Just like bulldozers and backhoes, cars are considered heavy machinery.
- https://heavymachineryworld.com/are-cars-considered-heavy-machinery/

You got 0 out of 10 correct!
Marijuana is the illicit drug most frequently detected in crash victims. Here's why.
THC causes you to be impaired.
Cannabis doesn’t make you a better driver.
High drivers can’t stay in their lanes.
The risks go up with alcohol.
It’s illegal to drive high.
Drug Scanner
Illicit drugs. Prescription drugs. OTC medicines. What do they all have in common? Side effects that can make us unsafe on the road. It’s important to know that no single drug affects everyone alike. Even the same person can have different reactions to a drug at different times.
Use our tool to see how different substances can affect you.
Select a drug
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Betel nut
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Synthetic cathinones
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Increased confidence
- Rapid heartbeat
- Reduced appetite
- Sexual arousal
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Dehydration
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Nausea
- Confidence
- Vomiting
- Dependence
- Mood swings
- Unconsciousness
- Coma
- Death
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Nausea
- Confidence
- Vomiting
- Dependence
- Mood swings
- Unconsciousness
- Coma
- Death
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Nausea
- Confidence
- Vomiting
- Dependence
- Mood swings
- Unconsciousness
- Coma
- Death
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Nausea
- Confidence
- Vomiting
- Dependence
- Mood swings
- Unconsciousness
- Coma
- Death
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Euphoria
- Relaxation & well-being
- Pain relief
- Impaired concentration
- Sleepiness
- Reduced sex drive
- Sweating
- Constipation
- Heart & lung problems
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Increased body temperature
- Loss of coordination
- Hallucinations
- Distorted perceptions
- Disorganized thoughts
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Panic
- Euphoria
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Increased body temperature
- Loss of coordination
- Hallucinations
- Distorted perceptions
- Disorganized thoughts
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Panic
- Euphoria
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Increased body temperature
- Loss of coordination
- Hallucinations
- Distorted perceptions
- Disorganized thoughts
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Panic
- Euphoria
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Increased body temperature
- Loss of coordination
- Hallucinations
- Distorted perceptions
- Disorganized thoughts
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Panic
- Euphoria
Synthetic cannabis
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Dry mouth
- Paranoia
- Unmotivated
- Excited
- Loss of memory
- Bloodshot eyes
- Relaxed
- Calm
Medicinal cannabis
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Dry mouth
- Paranoia
- Unmotivated
- Excited
- Loss of memory
- Bloodshot eyes
- Relaxed
- Calm
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Dry mouth
- Paranoia
- Unmotivated
- Excited
- Loss of memory
- Bloodshot eyes
- Relaxed
- Calm
Butane hash oil
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Dry mouth
- Paranoia
- Unmotivated
- Excited
- Loss of memory
- Bloodshot eyes
- Relaxed
- Calm
Nitrous oxide
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Hallucinations
- Panic
- Disconnected
- Bladder damage
- In a “hole”
- Safe
- Numb
- Floaty
- Euphoria
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Hallucinations
- Panic
- Disconnected
- Bladder damage
- In a “hole”
- Safe
- Numb
- Floaty
- Euphoria
Methoxetamine (MXE)
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Hallucinations
- Panic
- Disconnected
- Bladder damage
- In a “hole”
- Safe
- Numb
- Floaty
- Euphoria
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Sweaty
- Dehydration
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Sexual arousal
- Connected
- Understanding
- Sense of belonging
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Sweaty
- Dehydration
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Sexual arousal
- Connected
- Understanding
- Sense of belonging
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Sweaty
- Dehydration
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Sexual arousal
- Connected
- Understanding
- Sense of belonging
Drug Category:
General Effects:
- Anxious
- Sweaty
- Dehydration
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Sexual arousal
- Connected
- Understanding
- Sense of belonging
What you must know about prescription drugs.
If you’re taking a drug prescribed by your doctor, or an over the counter (OTC) medicine, it is okay to drive?
Many drugs affect your ability to drive, even if they are legally obtained prescriptions or commonly used OTC drugs.
While some medications may not impair you on their own, they may if combined with another drug or alcohol.
Medications often cause sleepiness, blurred vision, dizziness, slowed movement, fainting and inability to focus or pay attention.
Even if your impairment is the result of a prescribed drug, an officer can still charge you with a DUI.
That’s why it’s so important that you read your prescription labels and always follow the instructions.
What can you do if you need to drive?
When your medication is making your driving unsafe, but you still need to get work or run errands, here are some steps to take.
Create a list of all your prescriptions, OTC medicines and supplements, and talk to your doctor about the effects you’re experiencing.
Your doctor may be able to adjust the dose or the timing of your medicine to counter your effects.
Your physician may consider changing your medication to one that causes fewer symptoms.
Or perhaps, your doctor may suggest an exercise or nutrition program that can lessen the need for the drug.
If unfortunately, none of these options is possible, do not drive. You’ll need to find an alternative to driving yourself.
You never know how a drug will affect your driving. Don’t risk it.
For all your moments ahead, please drive safely.
There's more than one way to be under the influence.
Play it safe. Plan ahead.
If you’re using any drugs, including prescriptions and OTC medicines that may impair your driving, you can save lives by making smarter choices.
- Designate a sober driver.
- Call a cab or use a ride service.
- Use public transportation.
- If you’re hosting a party where drugs or alcohol will be present, make sure you take everyone’s car keys.
- Always wear your seat belts.
Delaware Taxis and Rideshares
Call a rideshare or a cab for a safe and sober ride home.
Andy’s Taxi Service
Serving New Castle County
Delaware Valley Taxi
Statewide service
Peter Yellow Taxi
Serving Newark and Wilmington